Friday, July 26, 2013

The Waiting Game...

So here it is….
The dreaded


I am 4dp5dt and have no symptoms at all.
I had 24 eggs retrieved
15 fertilized
2 transferred

5 Embryos have been frozen
The first two together
The last three together

My first beta draw
July 31, 2013

Next Wednesday
Subsequently it is probably the best day I could have asked for a beta draw
(It’s Harry Potter’s Birthday!)

He’s kind of the love of my life
I’m also still trying to convince J that
Harrison James
Is a fabulous name for a boy!

Anyway, I digress
I’m not feeling as hopeful today as I have been
With no symptoms and a long wait
Before my beta draw
I’ve hit despair state

I don’t want to be negative
(In state of mind, or on a blood test!)

But it’s beyond difficult.
This is way worse than the pain after retrieval
And even worse than the boredom of
 48 hours bed rest after transfer

I’m just so worried about how I’ll be able to handle it
 if the test is negative.
 I guess I’d mourn and then move on
Same as always

I just don’t want to.
I’m ready for my life to move on from this horrible stage
I’m ready to finally be excited about something concrete
And to finally start the next chapter in my life
As a mom

I’m terrified about Wednesday
To the point where 
I almost wish it would never come.
If you’re reading this,
Say a quick prayer.
I’d really appreciate it.
