Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Occasional vegan.... always organic!


I want to start posting more blogs about fertility-based resources. I plan to post one later today or tomorrow about a fertility-friendly diet, but first I wanted to lay the groundwork about my diet choices and the events that led me to them.

Some backstory about me is that about 5 years ago, after experiencing some horrific stomach cramping and taking a trip to the ER I was preliminarily diagnosed with Cohn’s disease. Cohn’s is a chronic disease that affects the digestive system, particularly the intestine.

Now here is where everyone will think I’m Cray; I never followed up with a specialist. Why? Because I didn't feel like it was ever necessary. Ever since that hospital visit I have kept a strict eye on my diet and have only ever had a few “flare-ups” as they are called. None of which came close to what I experienced when I went to the hospital. Further more, the majority of treatment concerning Cohn’s disease is figuring out your "trigger foods" and staying far away. So that's what I've done.

Fast-forward to 2010, when I decided to give a vegan diet a try in order to help me lose weight for my upcoming wedding. The differences in my body were astounding! I slept better, felt better, had more energy, lost weight like it was my job and had absolutely no stomach issues! It was like a dream.

Skinny Bitch

I educated myself on the vegan lifestyle through a book called "Skinny Bitch". Written by two sassy broads whose motto is "stop eating crap, and start looking fabulous". I skipped a lot of the chapters about animal cruelty, I didn't need to be told how bad the conditions for animals were, and I had a pretty good idea. What really changed me was the explanation and encouragement for organic foods and products.

So I kicked my diet coke habit, stopped buying normal produce, and went all-natural on all of my cleaning supplies.

I will truly never go back to buying regular produce if I can help it, and there will never be a non- organic piece of chicken or cheese on my table! I feel better when I'm organic and you know what? It tastes a hell of a lot better too!

I dumped being vegan after the wedding due to my obsession with dairy and chicken. I mean, I was born and raised in Buffalo NY, You come out of your mom at the hospital, and the first thing they do is hand you a chicken wing and a beer!! (While telling you to go watch some Bills football!!) I’ve bounced back to it a few times but I don't think it will ever be a permanent lifestyle for me. It's just far to complicated and frustrating when I want to go out and order a meal at a restaurant like a normal person. (It’s almost impossible to do this as a vegan, even most salad dressings contain milk product.) A lot of the products and recipes are staples in my life though; I will talk more about that in the next post.

So now in preparation for what will (hopefully) soon be an IVF cycle and pregnancy, I am turning again to a vegan diet to get some body weight off of me so that I can have the healthiest pregnancy possible. I’m only 5’2” and so I need to lose about 20lbs to hit my goal of having a healthy bmi. And if our cycle doesn’t happen until the fall, At least I’ll look good in a bikini this summer!

I’ve linked a copy of the book Skinny Bitches and will be posting more resources in the next post.


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