Thursday, May 2, 2013

Closed doors and opened windows

Hello, so a lot has happened since the last time I posted.
 (Actually nothing has happened at all.)
I found out that the clinical study I was hoping to participate in is closed and therefor is no longer an option. I would talk about it more and how difficult my reaction was, but I don’t think I have the strength.
It’s a closed door and I think I’m going to leave it at that.

Next on the agenda, I have found a clinic in Georgia that charges around $7,000. They are only a few hours away and even though they are new, I feel like I need to give them a try. I have an appointment scheduled for the beginning of June and
 I hope to start a cycle of IVF that month.
Here’s my dilemma:
 My insurance will not pay for monitoring at a home doctor’s office. Which means, I will have to drive 3 hours, several times, for something as silly as blood work.
 I pay out of pocket.
Shitty Right?

I can’t work with the RE in town because I can’t afford them.
 I am taking a risk by working with a doctor who has only had their clinic open for a year. I have never felt comfortable with working with people I don’t know or trust.
Not to mention, I have no idea what I’m going to do about work!
 But at a price like that, I have to at least give them a shot.
 To be fair they are not new doctors.
They have practiced for over 25 years and the doctor that I would be working with was the first doctor to perform IVF in Georgia.
He just moved back to Georgia from a clinic in NY and has opened this new facility.
I hope the appointment goes well and we and get the ball rolling quickly.

I need this phase of my life to end.
 I need to do IVF and either it will work or it won’t but at least
 I won’t have to talk about it anymore.
I’m not sleeping very well and I am extremely on edge.
 Not to mention I am so tired of hearing myself talk about infertility,
It’s disgusting!

At this point I am going to try and prepare as best I can for my June appointment,
Pray the doctor and I mesh well and can start a cycle. 
I will keep you updated as info comes my way.

On another note;
 The drug company EMD Sereno has a program to help reduce the costs of IVF medication.
It’s called The Compassionate Care Program
They accept people who do not have infertility coverage and who
Meet the income requirements.
The forms are easy and we were accepted that day.
 As long as my doctor prescribes their brand of meds,
I will be receiving a 50% discount on the drugs that company makes!

I will attach a link to the company website where the enrollment forms are,
I hope that at least someone out there will benefit!


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