Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Sad News...again

So here we are at the same place we were last time.
Another miscarriage, even earlier than the last one.
I can't even say I'm surprised, I saw this coming for  a while.
My beta was 5.48
Technically pregnant but no where near where it should be that far along.
I told my Dr about taking the HPT's at home
and how they got lighter and eventually went away
she agreed that this was a true pregnancy 
but that it wasn't viable. 

She then  mentioned that we have 3 embryos to try.
I told her that this was my third miscarriage and that I'm not doing anymore treatment until we find out why this is happening.
She agreed to FINALLY do the Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Panel (RPL)
That I had asked for after my last miscarriage.

At that time, all the staff thought I was 
overreacting and assured me this was a fluke.

I knew in my heart that it wasn't.

I've never hated being right so much in my entire life.

I go back for blood work tomorrow, to make sure my levels are below 5.
After that hopefully we can schedule The RPL panel.
I'd like to know as soon as we can what the problem is and fix it.

That's all I really have to say for now. 
I'll post again when I get the results from the RPL. 


Thursday, November 14, 2013


Already my happy- go -lucky outlook has been shot.

I took an HPT yesterday, 
which was  6dp5dt.
It was negative,
No big deal, It was negative last time on  6dp5dt.

I did a little research, and it seems that brand that I bought, 
only starts measuring hcg at 50.
That made me feel a lot more confidant. 

I bought a digital HPT after work yesterday that is said to detect HCg at 25 units.
I  woke up at 2:45 am with a very bad need to use the bathroom. 
I decided to go ahead and test, using one digital and one regular.
Both Negative.

I let J know and we were both pretty upset. 
I got a very faint positive  at 7dp5dt last time, 
and my first beta was a 12!
I couldn't seem to go back to sleep after that,
 so I stayed awake and used another digital exactly 4 hours after the first one.
It was also negative

I am trying to keep hope, 
but it just doesn't make sense to me why
 I would have gotten a positive last time with a 12 beta, 
and nothing this time.

I guess because it didn't work this time.
 I know it's early 
and I know that hope isn't over 
until the nurse coordinator calls with Beta results.

But I have to say, I am having a very hard time keeping the faith.

If anyone has any similar stories with GOOD OUTCOMES-
 please leave a post in the comments. 

I could use some encouragement 
very badly right now.


Friday, November 1, 2013

Quick update!

Hello again!
Just a quick update for anyone interested. 
I had my lining check and blood work today. 
Everything looks great! 
I don't remember what my estrogen and progesterone numbers were-
however, the nurse said they were good and told us that I have not yet ovulated.
I guess that means the birth control did it's job!

My endomitrium was a 14.5
They are looking for anything over 7
She said that it was excellent!
They tried to move my transfer up a day, to Wednesday.
That freaked me out a little. 
My bosses have a lot going on and I knew that would mess everything up.
I asked to keep it for Thursday and they said that was fine.
That's all I have, just getting very excited!
Staying positive, and hoping  for the best!
I'm definitely not as freaked out as I was last time,
so that's a plus for sure!
