Monday, May 6, 2013

Book of the month for May!

It’s that time again;

This month the book I am featuring is;

The Infertility Cure
By: Dr.Randine Lewis

This book focuses on curing infertility through Chinese medicine and acupuncture.
Now before you stop reading, let me just say that I know this will not cure everyone’s infertility.
I certainly don’t expect it to even cure mine.
I have tubal factor infertility and only one working ovary. My problems are not going to be fixed by a few needles in my head and some Chinese tea.
This book has showed me some simple ways to deal with my infertility-induced stress and how to better treat my body in preparation for IVF.
I had heard about this book previously,
 But only recently picked it up when a friend of mine who has struggled with infertility and multiple pregnancy loss told me that she has taken some of the supplements recommended,
 And strongly feels that it helped her most current pregnancy.

I am also taking these supplements in hopes that my body will be in the best state possible to accept the embryos after transfer.
I am taking two different prenatal vitamins.
The first is the one a day prenatal from Rainbow Light.
 The second is another all natural pre-natal with added benefits such as fish oil.
I am also taking additional supplements including vitamin D, Coq 10, and something called Royal Jelly.

This last one is very interesting; it is the certain type of honey
That is saved for the queen bee of every hive.
 She is the only one allowed to eat it,
 Since she bares all the children.
It is said to be helpful for a women’s eggs.
I take it 2-3 times a day, by popping a teaspoon in my mouth.
It tastes like normal honey and I look forward to it as a little treat.

I’m also cutting out gluten from my diet
 And trying to minimalize dairy, caffeine, and alcohol.
All of which I hope to cut out before my cycle starts,
 But cold turkey on so many things is just difficult.

I went to acupuncture for the first time yesterday and have mixed feelings about it.
 I have always had a hard time sitting still,
That theory was reiterated yesterday
As I kept hitting the needles sticking out of my head and arms while fidgeting.

I do however like the idea of a consistent practice that forces me to relax and meditate. I’ll most likely go back.

I have a second opinion consult next week with a new doctor.
She used to work with my old doctor and is slightly cheaper.
I figure even a small discount is worth the move and
I have had a pleasant experience with her nurse coordinator so far.

If you read the book or have any questions,
Please comment below.
It would be nice to get at least one comment…
From anyone…
Don’t even care who…

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for suggesting this book. I have it but could never get into it. Maybe I'll try again. The first time I got acupuncture, it was hard for me to stay still as well. But now I fall asleep. I think you''ll get used to it. Good luck with your second opinion consult.
